What are the steps in a Wave® strategic planning process? +
We start by listening and learning from your stakeholders, with a combination of live focus groups and 1:1 sessions, and by distributing our unique Qualitative Insights Questionnaire. We analyze and synthesize what we learn, shaping results into challenge and opportunity areas, before we guide participants in the co-design of a vision, set of values, and strategic priorities. Throughout the process, we strive to equalize power dynamics, and we recruit a Strategic Planning Feedback Team - a diverse team as representative as possible of the organization's stakeholder groups.
I’m a member of a professional network or association. Do you only make Waves® in enterprise settings, or can you help us make a Wave®, too? +
Yes, we can! We’ve helped private-sector and public-sector organizations make Waves®, but we’ve also worked with industry groups, associations, and non-profit organizations. If you want to make a Wave®, regardless of your context, we are excited to find a way to support you. Our process can be particularly helpful if you're looking to solve a particularly tricky industry-wide problem.