Overcoming DEI Backlash in Higher Education: How equitable innovation promises you continued impact
Illustration of human figure holding up a ‘prohibit’ symbol, surrounded by raised fists
The scale of the DEI ban on campus
Many colleges and universities across the United States are making significant regressive changes to their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) operations, including completely shutting down DEI offices, firing staff, constricting or removing expenditure, banning concepts deemed divisive, and changing policy and processes, all in response to anti-DEI legislation sweeping the country.
As of the time of writing this article (June 2024), and according to The Chronicle of Higher Education, anti-DEI legislation has become law in 14 US states, 85 anti-DEI bills have been introduced across the USA, and 49 have been tabled, filed to pass, or vetoed.
Can there be progress amid the DEI chill?
For many people who care about advancing equity in higher education institutions in states where DEI is already banned or in the process of so being, the question of "What do we do now to continue the hard-won progress on educational equity?" is at the forefront of their minds. As is, unfortunately, the question of “what do we have to do to comply with the backslide laws?”.
This tense reality on campus is creating deep frustrations, deeper divides, and amongst equity-minded leaders, unfortunately, it is creating a chilling effect on campuses as people are unsure what to do to keep up momentum on equity, in the shadow of the DEI ban. This chilling effect is creeping off campus too, and is impacting Industries of all kinds.
Frustrated by the DEI Ban? Steps You Can Take Now to Advance Equity in Education
We believe the response to the looming question of “what do I do now?” lies in an emergent and strategic approach we call ‘equitable innovation.’
At Tidal Equality, we define ‘equitable innovation’ as the discipline of uncovering and pursuing “any change that prioritizes reducing unmet needs, bias, barriers, discrimination, representation gaps, and inequalities to promote fairness and equal opportunities” in decision-making and design.
Read Equitable Innovation: Closing the Gap Between Decision Makers and Stakeholders
Based on our deep experience of practicing equitable innovation, we know it is possible – no matter who you are or what your role in higher education or beyond – for anyone who makes decisions that impact people at any scale – to learn how to and make equitable innovation.
In fact, we believe the practice of equitable innovation could be the light at the end of this anti-DEI tunnel to keep real progress on addressing the problem of inequality in education and forging the opportunity of true equity in education.
Read How equitable innovation can help business thrive in a downturn
But how do you make equitable innovation?
Equitable innovation all comes down to the way in which you make decisions and the time you invest in reaching out to hear from a broad and diverse array of voices in order to make your decisions in such a way that they can reduce unmet needs, bias, barriers, discrimination, representation gaps, and inequalities in order to promote fairness and keep progress on educational equity alive.
We invented a method for bringing an equitable innovation lens to your everyday work and decision-making called Equity Sequence® which anyone can learn to use.
Given that Equity Sequence® is a set of questions you can apply at the point of decision-making by choice…one wonders how this sort of an approach to maintaining progress on educational equity could be stymied by continued regressive legislative changes - as legislators would need to find a way to regulate peoples’ minds and creativity - which is the real source of opportunity for addressing inequality on campus and in education.
We could for example use Equity Sequence® to bring an equitable innovation lens to:
Identifying and rectifying representation gaps in curricula
Identifying and rectifying unmet needs in campus housing
Identifying and rectifying biased enrolment or acceptance criteria (read how this has already been accomplished in one competitive university program)
And so so much more
There is no limit to where an equitable innovation lens can be applied
Equitable innovation, guided by Equity Sequence®, offers a strategic approach for higher education institutions to navigate the challenges posed by DEI backlash and economic downturns.
If we teach individual decision-makers how to use an Equitable Innovation discipline (like Equity Sequence®) they can find their own, creative, transformative ways to embed equity into everyday decision-making and practices. This is how leaders like you and institutions that continue to want to make headway on equity can continue to make progress on educational equity, even in the face of restrictive legislation.
Embracing equitable innovation not only promotes fairness and inclusion but also enhances the resilience and sustainability of educational institutions. It is agnostic of any particular form of inequality, but can help you find and resolve any and all forms of inequality.
Now is the time to embrace equitable innovation so we can keep progress alive.
Be inspired by our definition of ‘equitable innovation.’
If a more structured approach is useful, college and university leaders can utilize Equity Sequence® to ensure their institutions can continue to pursue the goals of equity and inclusion, fostering environments where all students and staff can thrive, no matter what laws and whims the legislatures of today and tomorrow choose to act on.